What Is Coworking?

When it comes to coworking it is an ever evolving practise that is getting more popular by the day. Realistically though, there are definitely questions still floating around regarding what exactly it is and what the benefits are. So, within this blog we are going to answer some of those frequently asked questions and hopefully show you just how beneficial coworking can be.

What is coworking?

So, first things first, what is coworking? Coworking is essentially where workers from different companies share the same workspace and the utilities it has such as utilities, equipment, parcel collection, refreshments etc. By doing so not only does it allow for cost saving and the opportunity to network but it is also a matter of convenience. It essentially looks like working in an office minus the rigidity of one.  

What are the benefits?

Coworking is proven to boost workplace productivity, studies show that between 75% and 90% of coworkers love the personal connection allowed by coworking spaces, as a result they feel more motivated to work and less lonely within their working environment. In essence, coworking increases workplace happiness and everyone knows happiness breeds productivity! Coworking produces the ability to work within a community of like minded people, enabling you to ‘work remotely alongside other people’.

Are there any hidden fees?

In a nutshell? No. What you see is what you get, all you have to do is pay a membership fee which allows you entry to the building and then voila all amenities are included. You have 24/7 access to all spaces within the building, refreshments, internet access and all other aspects of the coworking space.

Are there enough resources available?

Yes we do! Throughout the whole building there are outlets to plug in, generally around every single desk space there is a multi socket extension for you to use and there are various WiFi connection points throughout to make sure that no matter where you set up your workspace, you have a strong internet connection. There is also a range of desks and workspaces to choose from and most importantly plenty of mugs of all shapes and sizes for your hourly brew top up! 

Do you have communal spaces?

Of course there is the kitchen space that is communal and full with all your complimentary brew making needs. But there is also the front room coworking space as well which resembles your favourite coffee shop in layout down to the playlist, so you can work closely with those around you. 

Is there parking/ bike storage?

Unfortunately, we do not have any on-site parking but we are situated within the city centre and so are in the ideal location for accessibility. There is also plenty of parking available around the center if needs be. 

As far as bike storage, we actively encourage cycling and we do have an area out the back in which bikes can be stored and kept safe whilst you cowork the day away!

When do I have access to the building? 

The building is 24/7 access through the KISI app on your phone that you can download and log in to upon purchasing your membership. 

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